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Steadfast Canine Testimonials

"About a month ago I started my oldest dog on Steadfast Canine. I wanted to see results before I considered selling it to my clients.  He is a 7 year old German Shepherd/Lab cross. He has had joint problems since he was young and in the last couple of years his energy has gone down significantly.  Last summer he injured his ACL and we were facing expensive surgery. Before he did surgery the vet wanted to try resting him for a few weeks and getting some weight off him. I did that with minimal success he would get better then seemed to keep re-agitating it every time he started to play with my other dog. At the beginning of December I decided I was going to get the surgery done but I needed to wait a month before I could afford it. As a last effort I tried Steadfast Canine to see what would happen. After about 2 weeks, things started looking real good and after week 3 he was sprinting around with my Malinois again like crazy. He now comes to work with me and acts as a dog distraction for my client dogs. He has more energy than he has had in a long time and it is great to watch him run and jump again. If any of you were on the fence about Steadfast Canine, I would give it a shot.  It has made a world of difference for my dog."

- Alex Tutterrow            


"My dog Puma is a very active dog and I am always looking for ways to promote his good health. Steadfast Canine fits the bill when it comes to protecting him and helping him perform at his best."

- Alfredo Rivera, Sit Means Sit Trainer

"I found out about Steadfast Canine from a business associate and was anxious to try it on my 8 year old yellow Lab, Gracie. Gracie had TPL surgery when she was 4 due to an ACL tear. Over the years, she had gradually gotten stiffer and would limp after only a few minutes of play time with the other dogs. After only 5 days on Steadfast Canine, I could tell a big difference in Gracie. After 2 weeks, she can run and play with the other dogs without limping. I figured Steadfast Canine would help, but didn’t expect THIS much of a change. I am shocked at the difference in mobility and energy level! Mornings are so much easier for us, too, because Gracie can get up on her own without all of the stiffness that she had prior to using Steadfast Canine. I’ve been so impressed with Steadfast Canine that I’ve also started giving it to my male Lab, Bud (see accompanying pic – Gracie is dark yellow and Bud is light yellow), to help support his overall health while we try to work on his weight. I will continue to supplement both of my Labs with Steadfast Canine. Steadfast Canine is great stuff and I am thankful to have found it. Keep up the good work!"

- Angie French


"My dog Quincy is a 5 years old Lab/Pit Bull mix. About 3 years ago she hurt her knee riding in our car. She was only 2 years old at the time and we consistently had problems with her limping and we could no longer take her on the walks she loves so much. Within a month of using Steadfast Canine she surprised me one morning and jumped onto the bed. She had not done this for 3 years, but continued to do so each day after! We can now take her on the long walks we used love.

- Beth Cerrone Kelly


"Steadfast Canine came into my girl Smokey's life at a time when arthritis has been starting to slow her down some. Smokey has just turned 13 years old and has been a very active Labrador Retriever her entire life from hunt tests, field trials along with hunting and also playing dockdogs in her senior years and she has never skipped a beat. She has been thru TPLO surgeries on both knees but each time she has come back like it was nothing. Now with age and arthritis creeping up on her we started her on Steadfast Canine in late November and in no time she has been doing things that she hasn't done in years, she is back to leaping into her favorite chair and also loading up into our wagon on her own. As of late December sadly she has been diagnosed with cancer in her wrist but that hasn't slowed her down much and with her on Steadfast she has been staying active and feeling better than ever. If we do lose her in the months ahead I will forever be thankful for having her last months happy and active and loving life with her nieces Rikki & Elsie May. Rikki & Elsie May are also enjoying their daily dose of Steadfast Canine and are at the door each morning fussing over who gets theirs first. It is definitely not a difficult daily supplement to give and I have always been a firm believer that supplements given throughout their lives will make their later years easier and I know that is why Smokey has done so well all these years. Thank you Arenus for caring for our pets and helping us keep live healthier and longer lives."

- Cera Reusser

"As a personal trainer I am a big promoter of taking care of your body now instead of paying later. I have always made a conscious effort to take care of myself and feel that it shouldn’t be any different for my dog. Steadfast Canine is a great joint supplement for my dog, Grace. She is currently taking Steadfast Canine as a preventative because she is such an active dog. Although she is young and has not experienced any arthritis issues, I have noticed a side benefit to giving her Steadfast Canine. Her coat quality has improved and is now softer and has more shine. Grace looks forward to her special Steadfast Canine “treat” everyday! I would recommend this product to anyone who cares about the long term health of their dog.

- Doug Cornwell

"We have two dogs who have serious joint issues and we have seen great results in both of them after giving them Steadfast for three weeks. Gryphon (Griffin) is a 13 year old black Labrador Retriever who lost most of his muscle mass nearly two years ago after being diagnosed with cancer.  While he has regained some muscle, he never came back completely and we noticed that the arthritis in his hips and knees only worsened with this development.  We have been doing everything to help him, including acupuncture and other supplements, so when we heard about Steadfast Canine we figured it was worth a try.  It's only been a few weeks but he already seems to be a little sturdier on his feet and is sitting readily for the first time in several months.  My husband even jokingly said that we needed to stop the Steadfast Canine because Gryphon was getting a little too feisty. Alex is our approximately 10 year old Chow/Lab mix who has bilateral hip dysplasia (he is also completely blind from Progressive Retinal Atrophy).  We have been lucky in that his condition has not yet affected his mobility too much, but he has suffered from stiffness, especially after lying down.  Since we started Steadfast Canine he seems much more comfortable and we are hoping that giving it to him now will prevent severe side effects down the road.

- Heather Ratynski

“I've had my older agility dog on Steadfast Canine for almost two years now, and I credit it with helping keep him sound. He's an extreme boy and before Steadfast Canine it was not uncommon for him to be stiff or sore the day after an event or training. This year my 16 month old dog ruptured her cruciate ligament (CCL) and underwent TPLO. TPLO is a pretty aggressive surgical remodeling of the Tibial Plateau through a surgical break, reset, and plating of the joint. A dog undergoing TPLO is x-rayed immediately after surgery to ensure the tibial plateau angle, plate and screws all look correct, and under normal circumstances is not x-rayed again until bone healing is nearly complete. This usually occurs either weeks after surgery, although occasionally a dog is x-rayed at six weeks. From the moment she got the TPLO referral, I put Ping on Steadfast Canine. At her two week checkup, her surgeon was very surprised with the amount of healing he could already feel. He suggesting x-raying at four weeks post-op, and I'm attaching scans of those x-rays. In brief, you can see tremendous bone growth. She certainly has youth on her side, but I believe Steadfast Canine has positively contributed to her healing and recovery!”

- Jona Decker

"After starting my elderly Shepherds on Steadfast Canine I saw enormous improvement within weeks. Buddy, my 12 year old German Shepherd, began to slow down about a year ago with a distinct “hitch” in his gate. Alex is a Shepherd cross stray who found his home with us 11 years ago. We really do not know how old Alex is, but he stopped getting up to greet us in the morning. He also struggled to get up and walked with great difficulty. It was then that we started both dogs on Steadfast Canine. Three weeks later they were trotting around effortlessly and Alex gets up and down without struggling. While they are still older, neither has any problems following my husband around the farm or playing fetch-the-stick like they have done in the past. I have even seen them chasing after the younger dog, which you can imagine, makes me happy to know they are comfortable in the last of their golden years.  Thank you Steadfast Canine!"

- Joyce Boss

"Even as a young puppy, Indy put so much stress on her joints, connecting tissue and muscles because she was so active, jumping, running and playing very hard. I thought Steadfast Canine would promote healthy development of joints and a strong body, help prevent injuries from occurring and perhaps repair any small issues that might occur. I love NEM®, the main ingredient in Steadfast Canine, and know its effects on my own body, so when she developed a small injury to her shoulder and hip, it quickly healed along with some gentle treadmill water therapy and given Steadfast with NEM everyday!

- Kathryn Ryan-Hogan 

"I have a 12 lbs Dachshund. She had a ruptured disk that took away feeling in her rear legs a year ago. She is now in a cart, and learning to walk a little again. I started giving her Steadfast Canine a month ago and it has made a world of difference for her. She is walking a little more and not moaning so much a night when she is tired. I can't believe that Steadfast Canine has made this big of a difference for my Cher. 

- Lynette Rix

"Chewbacca is our 16+ year old chocolate Lab. Chewie has been on Steadfast Canine since last fall. Steadfast Canine has shown a remarkable improvement in Chewie’s joint flexibility and desire to walk."

- Mike Officer

My 11 year old lab, Heidi, has had severe pain issues for several years now in her legs and hips, which I believe can be largely attributed to the tough life she had before I adopted her. Although I can’t confirm it, the vet and I both feel she was a puppy mill dam prior to joining my family 8 years ago. Heidi has always loved to be outside, but her pain has gotten so bad over the past few years that I haven’t even been able to take her for a walk, even though I have had her on several prescription joint products. I started Heidi on Steadfast Canine 11 days ago. Although it is still too early to tell what kind of lasting effects it may have, I have been really surprised at the changes I’ve already seen in Heidi. Before starting Steadfast Canine, Heidi was very lethargic and only got up long enough to eat, drink, or ask for an occasional petting. After just 11 days on the product, Heidi is obviously more energetic and actually starts her day with a bounce in her step that I haven’t seen in years! In fact, she seems to feel so much better that I have been able to start taking her on short walks again! Can’t wait to see how she is doing after 30 days on this product!”

- Virginia Altis